Prompt for September 25, 2016

Complete the short story/flash fiction, that has the following opening:

“Why are you doing this, Michael,” Ashley said waving her arms at the flowers and gifts that covered the kitchen table in her small apartment.  The flowers were in vases, until she ran out of vases and then she put them in any large container.  The presents, some of which had not been unwrapped, were stuffed between the vases while others lay scattered on the floor.  “Why?”

Michael Ferris looked at her with eyes shimmering with unshed tears.  He knew he was going to have to answer her questions, he knew it before he sent the first flower, the first gift, but he had hoped that he would have a good answer for her before she asked.  He didn’t.  He knew the answer he wanted to give her, that he loved her, but he wanted to have the truth and not just what would make her happy.  He looked down at his hands as he fidgeted with the keys on his keychain.  Nothing was said for what felt like hours, but he knew they were probably only minutes before he looked up again into her steel blue eyes.

“I’m … scared,” he said.  “I’ve only been in love once before and it turned out … bad.  She said that I never communicated with her enough, never paid attention to her, never brought her silly presents just for the heck of it.  So I … overcompensated?”  He looked around at the flowers and gifts realizing that he had indeed gone overboard with his gifts.  When he look at Ashley the look on her face was one of sympathy.  Not pity, he couldn’t stand pity, but sympathy he could understand.

She walked over to him, locked her hands behind his head and gave him a kiss that made him forget who he was.  When she was done she leaned her forehead into his and said “I’m sorry that bitch did that to you.  I’m really, really sorry.  But, I don’t need all this stuff, Michael, all I really need is you.  Just you.”

She led him to the couch in the living room and sat down next to him, holding his hand as he settled down.  “Now, tell me who this bitch was so I can track her down.”

Post a link to the story in the comments.

Prompt for September 24, 2016

Complete the short story/flash fiction, that has the following opening:

Her elfin beauty struck him speechless.  Her delicate features, the exquisite makeup, the long silky gown, her smooth flowing walk and her lilting laugh made him think that his dream had come true.  His perfect woman was walking directly towards him but he had no idea what to say.  He looked down at himself, the Captain America costume hiding what he thought were his flaws, and made a decision.  He would talk to her.

“Excuse me,” he said, his voice deepening to match his persona, “but that is a beautiful costume you’re wearing.  Or is it your natural beauty that is making the costume look so good?”

She stopped, her face turning a bright red as his comments sank in.  The two friends she was with stopped a few feet away, a knowing look passing between them as they watched the interaction.  “Thank you,” she said, “I like yours too.”

He puffed up his chest, the comment going straight to his fragile ego, strengthening it, making him bolder.  “Are you going to the after-dance party tonight?  It should be a good time.”

She looked down at the ground, the energy in her posture dropping.  “I don’t think so, my friends said that they need to leave right after the dance and they’re my ride.”  She looked up, her eyes wide, the expression on her face showing that the answer she was giving was not the one she wanted to give.  “I’d like to, but I can’t.”

Out of the corner of his eye, he could see her friends whisper back and forth for a moment before they spoke up.  “Actually, we thought we’d stay a little bit later.  Perhaps we can meet up at the party?”

The smile that stretched across his face was immediate and sincere, matching the one that spread across her face.  They turned to each other and they nodded.  “Yes, that would be great,” she said.

“Definitely,” he replied.  “We’ll see you later.”

“Oh, yes, you will, you really will.”

And as Captain America left Zelda the two friends were smiling thinking that it was about time their sister smiled. 

Post a link to the story in the comments.